Saumil Shah

In this episode of Tangled, I speak to Saumil Shah. Saumil is the founder of EnerGaia, a company based in Bangkok that develops technology and techniques for growing spirulina in confined urban spaces.

You may be wondering what spirulina is and why you’d bother growing it in a city.

Saumil talks about this in depth. But the short version is that spirulina is a type of algae. It grows through photosynthesis, so it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It is also very high in protein. Plus, it can be grown easily in the city, using vacant space, such as on office rooftops. This all means that if spirulina’s popularity can increase, it can play a big part in helping to feed the world’s growing population, while also slowing global warming.

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Show Notes

19:10 Outliers, The Tipping Point, Blink – Malcolm Gladwell

19:22 Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics – Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

19:51 Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

19:59 Melinda Gates’s TED Talk, What nonprofits can learn from CocaCola

20:11 Simon Sinek’s TED Talk, How great leaders inspire action